About the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra


Radio Philharmonic Orchestra with Karina Canellakis - Photo: Simon van Boxte
Radio Philharmonic Orchestra with Karina Canellakis - Photo: Simon van Boxtel

"It was love at first sight, right from the first rehearsal. I was very impressed by the orchestra's commitment to beauty and finesse, by their curiosity, attention to detail, virtuosity, intense concentration, goodwill and desire to delve deeper into unusual repertoire, while still maintaining a sense of humour, openness and warmth. There was a natural way of communicating, a freedom of thought, and this became even more apparent in the wonderful conversations I had with many musicians individually between rehearsals and concerts. All this makes me more than happy and honoured that I was asked to be the principal conductor of this great orchestra. I am convinced that we will cross many borders in our future together."

(Karina Canellakis, on the occasion of her appointment as principal conductor of the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra)

"With the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra I had the best time of my life. Our Wagner and Mahler cycles were an absolute highlight. It still feels like a warm bath."
(Edo de Waart)

"Capturing seventy-five years of the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra in a limited number of pages is an almost impossible task. Of the countless musicians who have contributed to the successes of the RFO in the past three-quarters of a century, it is unfortunately not possible to mention all the names. The enthusiasm with which so many of those involved have worked on this book has been invaluable. I am thinking of the special conversation with Edo de Waart in New Zealand, the Zoom sessions with orchestra members, the heroes of the Historical Society, the friendly John Adams and all those former orchestra members who shared precious memories.
I have come to know the RFO as a passionate orchestra, which in seventy-five eventful years has made itself indispensable to countless music lovers. An ensemble of talented musicians who have weathered many storms and always managed to draw strength from their inspired playing together.
(Inge Jongerman, author of 'The power of inspired ensemble playing', about 75 years Radio Philharmonic Orchestra. The jubilee book is for sale at € 19,- (including shipping costs) and can be ordered at the Muziekcentrum van de Omroep through this link )

"I am thrilled that we will keep working together in the future. I love making music with the orchestra on such a high level. Our bond is very strong and keeps getting stronger every time I come here. And we have fantastic audiences in Amsterdam and Utrecht; I couldn't be happier."
(James Gaffigan, Principal Guest Conductor)

"Rarely have I seen an orchestra working with such readiness and concentration. It's wonderful to see that something that starts off so timidly, with the musicians trying to figure out what the composer might have meant, can in no time at all lead to such frenzied solidarity and a crackling sound."
(Composer Martijn Padding on the premiere of 'Reports from the Low Country' (April 2016), by Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and double bassist Rick Stotijn conducted by James Gaffigan)

"The Radio Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by James Gaffigan gives a phenomenal sound to the many faces of Prokofiev, from wry to loving and from ridiculous to vicious - the RFO with Gaffigan hits the mark, and right in the heart.
(Jury verdict on the CD Prokofiev - Symphonies Nos. 1 & 5 conducted by James Gaffigan, nominated for the Classical Edisons, 2017)

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