Diede Brantjes
Diede Brantjes has been the regular clarinetist of the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra since 1999. His specialism is the high, shrill e-flat clarinet.
During his clarinet studies, first at the Utrecht Conservatory and later at the Sweelick Conservatory in Amsterdam, he regularly played as a substitute with the RFO. Shortly after graduating, the opportunity presented itself to secure a permanent place in the orchestra. Diede was accepted and in the following years developed into a true all-round specialist, who likes to play as many different clarinets as possible, from the high E flat clarinet to the impressive contrabass clarinet.
He has a great liking for musical masterpieces. As a clarinettist, Diede is always on a fascinating quest to find the ideal combination of playing technique and material. As a musician, he likes to search for the essence behind the written notes: "What did the composer want to write down and how can we musicians realise this?