Weihnachts-Oratorium Netherlands Bach Society
- Beethoven Heiliger Dankgesang from the string quartet opus 132
- Finzi The salutation (from Dies natalis)
- Handel Eternal source of light divine
On Christmas Day 1734, a large crowd of churchgoers gathered in St. Thomas Church in Leipzig. Something special is about to take place. Cantor Bach has prepared a large-scale work that will be performed over several days: the Christmas Oratorio. Impressive timpani strokes reverberate through the space. Flutes and oboes join in, followed by blaring trumpets and whirling strings. The Nederlandse Bachvereniging brings this jubilant mood about the birth of Jesus to the listeners of the Friday concert. Brilliant works by Bach's contemporary Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel and his great example from Lübeck, Dietrich Buxtehude, add to the Christmas atmosphere.